Covenant Theology: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Perspectives
Edited by Guy Prentiss Waters, J. Nicholas Reid, and John R. Muether. Crossway (Wheaton, IL), 2020.

When I encountered Reformed, covenantal theology as a young Christian, I found it initially challenging and even confusing. Much of my difficulty lay in the dispensational fragmentation of the Bible I had been taught, and the confusing hermeneutic imposed on the Old Testament by dispensationalism. As I began to understand the inherent unity of the Bible’s story and the hermeneutical consistency of covenant theology, I was convinced that here was the heart of the Bible.
Covenant theology is built upon the premise that the Bible is one unified, coherent, conclusive story. In short, the Maker of the universe created with a plan and a purpose and knew exactly how and when his goals would be won. In light of who the triune God is, he made promises to the creatures he set at the pinnacle of his creation. These promises, in the form of covenants, hold the story of humanity and all creation together.
The writers are dedicated students and teachers of the promises—the covenants—of God. Understanding covenant theology is like studying a perfect diamond with a multitude of facets and colours. There is intricate beauty to be found, and the expanding discovery changes the lives of those in its thrall.
This book is the go-to text for covenant theology for students, ministers, and for the laity. It is learned and transforming. My understanding and grasp of the Bible and God’s ways have been deepened and strengthened by studying these essays. God will, indeed, be my God—our God—and we will be his people.
Thank you to Crossway for providing a complimentary copy of this book through the Blog Review Program.